Our story begins in 2014, when I was active duty in the US Navy and searching craigslist for a wine barrel to be a table in the backyard. I came across a listing for a boutique winery for sale in Cashmere. After exchanging emails with the seller, he said "if you are really interested you should come over and take a look". So Salvador and I drove from Puyallup to Cashmere to check it out. The seller agreed to teach us how to make wine, so we took the leap and became wine makers. The first year the seller stayed on to teach us the basics, how to use the equipment and how to start and complete fermentation. After the first vintage we changed the name to Leony's Cellars in 2015. The name Leony's, meaning Lioness's, is my middle name, given to me in honor of my Great-Grandma Alta Leony's. We attended the wine maker's academy at South Seattle Community College in 2016 to increase our winemaking knowledge and techniques. Although we are boutique, every year we work to increase production from 300 gallons the first year on our own to 2,400 gallons last year. As a small producer with most varietals ranging between 50-100 cases, we recommend when you find the wine you love, buy it before its sold out.
Cashmere Tasting Room Friday-Saturday 12-5pm; Sunday 11-4pm
Enumclaw is open Wednesday - Sunday 2pm-7pm