If you enjoy visiting antique and consignment stores, you are in luck: there are three nice ones on Wenatchee Avenue, only a few blocks from each other. The stores each offer slightly different items, so it’s well worth your time to take a look at all three.

Spruceand Willow Home
Youmay find it easiest to start at Spruce and Willow Home at 133 N. WenatcheeAvenue as the first one in the row of the three stores. Parking is easy oneblock downhill at the Convention Center if you cannot find a spot on WenatcheeAvenue.
Spruceand Willow is an explosion of items, mostly old with some newer ones in themix. The shelves, floors and even the ceiling are stocked with temptingpurchases for dish hunters, figurine collectors and gift shoppers.

Youmay find a new light fixture for your study, the endearing Sock Monkey waitingfor a new home, good quality second-hand clothing and purses and jewelry to puttogether a complete new outfit. There are figurines and paintings, pillows,vases and toys to choose from.
Spruceand Willow also sells mineral paints in case you are in the mindset of giving apiece of furniture a fresh coat of color. While they have some furniture piecesfor sale, the store mostly sells décor for the home.
Thishome decorator’s temptation is host to over 30 regular vendors with theaddition of people bringing in goods on consignment.
Theirhours are: Monday-Saturday 10-6, Sunday 12-4.
Formore information, go to www.spruceandwillowhome.com
AntiqueMall of Wenatchee
Thisstore is the middle one, on 11 N. Wenatchee Avenue. You will easily spot it bythe old horse wagon perched up on its roof. Parking right in front may be a bitdifficult at this centrally located store, so be prepared to walk a shortdistance.

Beprepared to spend some time in this maze-like, three-story antique mall. Notonly is it spacious, but packed full of everything imaginable, from old sportsequipment to vinyl records, dishes and much more.
Youmay find some medals to add to a collection, a beautiful glass vase for yourdining table or a golf club or two to send the ball soaring.
Besidesdécor and collectibles, Antique Mall of Wenatchee also has a good selection ofused books, sheet music and old magazines.

Theirhours are: Monday-Thursday 10-5, Friday-Saturday 10-6, Sunday 12-4.
Formore information, go to www.antiquemallofwenatchee.com.
SimplyUnique is the third and last one, but not the least one by any means. Locatedon 201 S. Wenatchee Avenue, it usually has some parking spots available rightin front of the store.

Thisstore offers the wares of over 30 vendors plus consignment items.
You can find beautiful pieces of furniture,some refurbished and some brand new, as well as décor for most any style of ahome. They focus on furniture, and it isn’t surprising to find complete diningand sofa sets on the premises.

SimplyUnique lives up to its name by displaying items that are unique, but also ofquality. How about an old carousel horse for your yard, or a brass coffee tablefrom Turkey for your living room – you just may find them at Simply Unique.
Theirhours are: Tuesday-Thursday 10-6, Friday-Saturday 10-5, Sunday 12-5.
Formore information, go to https://simplyuniquewenatc.wixsite.com/simplyunique