For immediate release: February 5, 2014 For more information, please contact: Mark Milliette, (509) 548-5477Leavenworth Winter Sports Club creates new Nordic ski trek eventLeavenworth, WA.- The Leavenworth Winter Sports Club has announced the new Moose Dewlap Citizens Trek.The event will be held on February 21st in the Meadows Creek Loop area near Lake Wenatchee. The 43-kilometer route will start and end at the Lake Wenatchee Recreation Club, taking skiers along a lollipop-shaped course with 2500 feet of elevation gain over the first half of the course. The event will replace the Hog Loppet Ski Trek, which has been cancelled twice in the past three years for low snow and dangerous conditions."We're a little deeper in the Cascades," Milliette said of the Lake Wenatchee site. "The new course has a more reliable snow pack. And it doesn't have the avalanche danger and high-wind exposure that caused Hop Loppet cancellations. It'll be different and a little more challenging," Milliette said.Registration for the Moose Dewlap Citizens Trek is now open online at: Registration is limited to 400 skiers.For more detailed information about the event, visit: Leavenworth Winter Sports Club promotes health, fitness, and fun through skiing and other winter sports by providing quality facilities, education, and activities to the community. The Club currently employs over 45 seasonal employees and dozens of volunteers.-additional photos available upon request-
Jerri Barkley
February 5, 2015