Earth Day is Monday, April 22nd. Since it was first celebrated in 1970, Earth Day has been dedicated to raising awareness and support for environmental protection. It has inspired the formation of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and has been influential in passing environmental legislation like the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Education Act, and more.

Earth Day is also a great reminder for all of us that small efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle can add up to making a big difference for the environment.

Visit Wenatchee will be at the Sustainable NCW Earth Day Fair at Pybus Public Market on April 13, from 10 AM - 2 PM.

Here are 10 ideas to keep Earth Day top of mind this spring and summer:

1. Conserve water in your home

Did you know that the Wenatchee City Council adopted a customer water usage goal to reduce residential water use from 135 to 125 gallons per capita, per day by December 31, 2024?

How can you make a difference? You can start by turning off the water when you’re soaping your hands or brushing your teeth. Check for leaks in your kitchen, bathrooms, and outdoor faucets.

2. Incorporate a “meatless meal” into your weekly meal plan

Adding more plant-based foods into your diet can help reduce carbon footprints and directly improve your health. Not sure where to start? There are lots of restaurants in the area that offer delicious vegetarian and vegan entrees, including The Taproom by Hellbent in Pybus Public Market or Iwa Sushi and Grill.

3. Carry a water bottle with you

Do your part to avoid disposable plastic bottles, which take more than 500 years to decompose. Instead, bring a refillable bottle with you. You can find great Wenatchee-themed insulated water bottles at Pak it Rite.  

4. Buy more locally-produced food

Support local farmers and bring your reusable tote to Pybus Public Market and take advantage of the local bounty from more than 50 family farms.

5. Ride a bike

For local errands, consider giving your car a break and riding your bike more often. Explore the Apple Capital Loop Trail! You can also rent a bike to see which is the best fit for your interests and activities at Arlberg Sports.

6. Air dry clothes whenever possible

Did you know that a clothes dryer frequently uses as much energy as a refrigerator, a dishwasher, and a clothes washer combined? Take advantage of warmer sun-filled days and hang your wet clothes outside to dry!

7. Buy secondhand and give new life to items

Find a “new to you” outfit and new treasures for your home at your local thrift shop or consignment store, like Second Chance or Simply Unique in Wenatchee.

8. & 9. Plant a garden and collect rainwater to feed outdoor landscaping

The benefits of home gardens are many, including the opportunity to reconnect with nature and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Plus, outdoor gardens create mini ecosystems that attract beneficial insects and birds. Consider repurposing rainwater and adding more native, drought-resistant plants to your outdoor areas too.

10. Pick up trash in your neighborhood

Gather your friends and neighbors together for a “clean street” day to pick up trash in your neighborhood. Keep up to date on area collection events and solid waste management efforts in Chelan County.


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